Macrophant 3D
by Barry Rothstein and Jim McManus
These are images of pages in the book, which allow for viewing with anaglyph (red-cyan) glasses, or free viewing, both parallel and cross-eyed.
This book is full color in 11" x 14" format, and features fifty-two pages plus the cover. Instructional pages toward the start of the book explain how the images were processed, and description pages toward the back identify the subjects of the pages. Each book comes with 2 pairs of red-cyan 3-D glasses.
A phantogram is an optical illusion, a special class of 3-dimensional photography. Phantogram images miraculously rise off the printed pages, perfectly realistic phantoms of the real subjects photographed. The illusion is accomplished by the systematic mimicry of normal vision.
Published in the USA by 3dDigitalPhoto.com with the registered tradename Phantom 3DŽ.
ISBN-10: 0-9769494-3-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-9769494-3-5
Copyright 2020 by 3dDigitalPhoto.Com
Price: $40.00
Order 5 or more books with no Promo Code (combining OK) for 20% off entire order.
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Pop-Up 3D
Discover Phantograms, Fantastic & Fun Natural 3D Pop-Ups
by Barry Rothstein, Steve Hughes & Steve Boddy
The book's cover is not a 3D image. It is however the right-eye half of a
phantogram. It differs from a normal photograph in that the narrowing effects of perspective
have been reversed out.



sea shells

the fly


myrtlewood bowl
I regret to tell you but this book is no longer available, I've sold or given away all but a few copies. You could find copies online at various sites. This is a book of phantograms for children 3-99, and has developed a strong following. 8-1/2" x 11" in size and featuring thirty-two pages of 3D wonder, the images are enjoyable for all ages. The text is geared for ages 10 and up, describing the basic nuts & bolts of how 3D imagery works. Almost all of the images are viewed with standard red-cyan 3D glasses (2 pairs are provided with the book).
While principally introducing its readers to phantogram imagery, there are also opportunities to free view stereo pairs, and contrast the differences between traditional 3D and phantograms. Finally Pop-Up 3D encourages it readers to try 3D imagery for themselves, pointing out a tutorial on this site and a link to a free download of StereoPhoto Maker.
It begins with a wonderful two-page spread of drawn phantograms by Steve Hughes, and includes some amazing photographic phantograms by Steve Boddy.
Published in the USA by 3dDigitalPhoto.com with the registered tradename Phantom 3DŽ.
ISBN-10: 0-9769494-1-5 ISBN-13: 978-0-9769494-1-1
Copyright 2007 by 3dDigitalPhoto.Com
Price: $19.95
Order 5 or more books with no Promo Code (combining OK) for 20% off entire order.
Phantograms from Nature, Western USA
by Barry Rothstein
The book's cover is not a 3D image. It is however the right-eye half of a
phantogram. It differs from a normal photograph in that the narrowing effects of perspective
have been reversed out.

sunset tall

hanging green

woodland fungi

algae cruise ship

swamp dweller

Other than the model of the cover (above left), the images above are examples of pages in the book.
With 3D red-cyan anaglyph glasses you should be able to get a taste of what they provide, but
nothing near the impact of the large printed images. These phantograms are actually made to be viewed from above at an angle, and not straight on.
This book is full color in 11" x 14" format, and features thirty-two anaglyph phantograms of natures beauty taken in natural settings around the western United States. In addition are instructional pages on how to take phantograms outdoors in natural settings. The images are viewed with standard red-cyan 3D glasses (2 pairs are provided with the book).
A phantogram is an optical illusion, a special class of 3-dimensional photography. Phantogram images miraculously rise off the printed pages, perfectly realistic phantoms of the real subjects photographed. The illusion is accomplished by the systematic mimicry of normal vision.
"It's difficult not to reach out to try to touch them (almost everyone does). The WOW effect is practically universal, both for adults and kids."
Published in the USA by 3dDigitalPhoto.com with the registered tradename Phantom 3DŽ.
ISBN 0-9769494-0-7
Copyright 2005 by 3dDigitalPhoto.Com
Price: $29.95 New lower price
Order 5 or more books with no Promo Code (combining OK) for 20% off entire order.
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Crossview 3D
Compiled by Barry Rothstein
Introduction by Ray 3D Zone
and showcasing the work of an all star cast of twenty-six 3-D artists
Following our continued obsession to expose the public to the very best in 3-D, this first-of-its-kind book teaches readers how to crossview a stereo pair, providing those who dare to try the holy grail of 3-D: great stereo images with no loss of color, and entirely viewer free. Crossviewing is not new, but very few people are aware of it outside the 3-D community.
But crossviewing is only the icing on the cake for this book. It showcases some of the best 3-D images ever created by an all-star cast of 3-D image makers:
Achim Bahr, Robert Bloomberg, Oliver Dean, Abe Fagenson, Larry Ferguson, John Hart, Steve Hughes, David Kesner, Tom Koester, Claudia Kunin, David Kuntz, Franklin Londin, Jim Long, Greg Marshall, Phyllis Maslin, Jerry Oldaker, Abe Perlstein, Susan Pinsky, Barry Rothstein, Chris Schneberger, David Starkman, James Staub, Dale Walsh, Owen Western, Terry Wilson, and Ray Zone
Published by 3dDigitalPhoto.com with the registered tradename Phantom 3DŽ.
ISBN-10: 0-9769494-2-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-9769494-2-8
Copyright 2009 by 3dDigitalPhoto.Com
Price: $19.95
Click here to get a .pdf promo file on Crossview 3D.
Click here to see biographies of the contributors to Crossview 3D.
By Chronicle Books
Eye-Popping 3-D Pets
Phantogram Animals You Can Practically Pet
by Barry Rothstein & Betsy Rothstein
Featuring the same sensational style of photographic phantograms, Eye-Popping 3-D Pets will provide a highly entertaining guide for current and prospective pet owners, helping them to disoover the right pet for them, along with lots of fun facts and useful information. Dogs, cats, birds, fish, reptiles and all sorts of pets virtually jump off the pages, just begging to be petted.
By Chronicle Books
Eye-Popping 3-D Bugs
SORRY! NO LONGER AVAILABLE FROM US. Can be bought online elsewhere.
Phantogram Bugs You Can Practically Touch!
by Barry Rothstein & Betsy Rothstein
Additional images by David Burder and Steve Boddy
Second in the Chronicle Books Eye-Popping series, 3-D Bugs will will thrill and horrify you. From butterflies & moths to beetles, scorpions and tarantulas, reach out and touch them if you dare, and learn about their habits and habitats.
This book will be sold on our website at the suggested retail price of $19.95. For stores wishing to carry this book, contact your representative from Chronicle Books or ask us for contact information.