A parallel view stereo pair is placed with the left-eye image on the left and the right-eye image on the right. To merge a parallel view stereo pair into a single 3-D images, you will need to stare both eyes straight ahead, and relax your eyes to allow your gaze to merge the two into a single 3-D image.
Some people have good success by trying to keep their focus constant but moving closer or farther away from the stereo pair.
Once you're successful with one, it just gets easier and easier. Like riding a bicycle, it's a learned skill you'll be able to do the rest of your life.
However, ..... keep in mind that some people will have no sucees no matter how hard or long they try. This is a great ability, but it's not for everyone. It's especially difficult for people with various eye impairments or other visual issues, such as one eye corrected for distance, the other for close up. If the thought of this doesn't appeal to you, please don't bother. If it starts to give you a headache, then stop, you can try again later if you want.
Below are a number of crossview images. Good luck and enjoy. If you can do it and it's cool beyond measure, consider our new book.