African Tortoise
Hello Friends,
At an open house showing in Long Beach recently I spotted this beautiful juvenile african tortoise in the back yard. From head to tail I'm guessing it was 20-22 inches long. It was delightfullly friendly to humans, walking right up to us. I didn't have my Fuji W3 stereo camera with me to shoot a 3-D shot, but fortunately I've found over the years that many reptiles and other creatures will typically hold a pose for several seconds, so I took two cha-cha shots with my cellphone, a Google Pixel model. I was told that the tortoise wasn't included with buying the house.
Despite being a couldy day, the light was very good. I brought the images into my laptop computer, did an auto-align with StereoPhoto Maker, and then turned it into a phantogram by approximating a trapezoid around to tortoise in the right eye image and matching pixels in the left eye image.
As I write this it's raining again. We've been having a Seattle winter in southern California for the past month, continuously cloudy, cool and wet. I'm not really complaining, we're in a long drought and need the rain. Mostly I feel for our neighbors in northern California who've been and are currently being blasted by extreme rainfall, flooding and mudslides. When it rains it pours.
Best regards,
Barry Rothstein
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