Baby Pineapple
Hello Friends,
Some people associate themselves with a particular animal or plant. Along with her afinity for wolf dogs, my friend Ginny's home is decorated with artwork depicting pineapples, and she grows a few in pots each year. This is one at a fairly early stage, and makes for an excellent 3-D subject. I took this shot with a Panasonic Lumix GX7 macro camera with 3-D lens and frame sides for phantogram processing. This shot was approximately 4-1/2" wide. Because of the large amount of red I asked Jim McManus to do his magic, so he processed my stereo pair into a "McManaglyph" anaglyph.
Today is a very special day for many of us, the first federally recognized Juneteenth as a national holiday. It commemorates the day in 1865 that the last enslaved people in the United States were freed from bondage, nearly 2-1/2 years after the Emancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863). Nothing in human history is more worthy of celebrating than freedom from slavery. Blacks across the country have long celebrated Juneteenth, much in the same way as Jews celebrate Passover every year.
It's a great step and considerably overdue, but our society has a long way to go to even the playing field and live up to its professed ideal of equality for all peoples. Our democracy is being tested perhaps as it never has been before. I hope we're up to it.
Barry Rothstein
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