Harlequin Beetle on a Bladder Pod
Hi All,
I took this shot in our front yard with a Panasonic Lumix GX7 macro camera and 3-D lens, using frame sides for phantogram processing. The overall width of this image is approximately 3 inches.
I'll tell you a funny true story.
My wife Betsy worked for several years guiding day tours and teaching summer classes of pre-schoolers at the El Dorado Park Nature Center in Long Beach, California. One precocious four year old was telling Betsy about visiting his grandparents in Seattle.
"I love Seattle," Betsy told him. "A bunch of my family still lives there and I grew up there."
"Do your parents still live there?" he asked, and she replied that sadly they weren't alive any more. The boy became very thoughtful, looked down and then up at her again and asked "So can you do anything you want?"
At what point in our lives can we do anything we want? And when one reaches that point, what does one do?
I'd love to hear back from you with your thoughts, observations and impressions of this strange, historic time we time we currently occupy, and with your permission would like to share some of them.
My wishes and prayers are for all of us. May we be safe and well in our hunker-down-at-home-family units, considerate and caring to others around us, and mindful of the plights of people we don't know in other places.
Barry Rothstein
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