At the Beach in Cayucos
Hello Friends,
We spent the past week in Cayucos, CA, a quiet little beach town on the central California coast, the next town north of Morro Bay. Betsy and I celebrated our 40th anniversary there with our kids and grand-daughter. As such Pepper and I got in a lot of great beach walks.
There are two images here, so be sure to scroll down. At the top is a cluster of mussel shells washed up on the beach. Below is a compressed ball of kelp, I think. I saw plenty of mussel shells and sand dollars, only two kelp balls like this. I took these shots with a Fuji W3 and used an 8-1/2" x 11" wooden frame side surrounding them for phantogram processing.
This year I've trimmed way back on ranting in this blog, and in a way feel kind of guilty for it. I'll be brief.
It's insane and dangerous what passes for one of the two major political parties in this country. I can't say I've ever liked them, they've always been vastly more opportunistic than principled, but how could they now be so entirely entwined to a former failed one-term president, criminal, con man, thief, money launderer, and all around bastard. Say it ain't so, Joe.
If you're enjoying these 3-D images, consider registering for the upcoming Virtual 3D-Con 2021 - 47th NSA Convention. It's from August 12-15 and registering and attending any and all the events is FREE. Lots of cool stuff to see, workshops for beginners and the more advanced, opportunities to break out your VR gear and see some world class efforts. Info at I'll be providing a workshop there on shooting and processing phantograms of pets and kids.
Barry Rothstein
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Previous Images of the Week