Willow Bottlebrush
Hi All,
Most of the bottlebrush trees and bushes I see feature bright red spiky flowers, which aren't ideal for anaglyph 3-D. Much better to view with the red-cyan glasses is this type, called willow bottlebrush. Having spotted one such tree during a morning walk, I returned to it to shoot in late afternoon light.
Work on the new book, Macrophant 3D, is going well, into the home stretch. Another week or two and it's off the the printer. I'm extremely happy to have Jim McManus working it with me. His image enhancement and anaglyph abilities are providing options I've never known before, and another skilled set of eyes have been critical in image selection. The images I've produced over several years are very personal to me, and it's near to impossible for me to be objective about them.
I expect to have books on hand in early December, in time to mail out for the holidays. If you're willing to impart with $25 (including shipping the the USA) of your hard earned cash for a copy, I guarantee it'll be my best book yet, so email me back to be notified when they're in.
As to this weeks rant, I'll be brief ...
We're starting to see the rats gingerly jumping off the Trump ship, although way too little and way too late. They walk a fine line distancing themselves from him, fearful, ever fearful of wrath from his base. The republican party has become devoid of principles other than opportunistic power grabbing. It has become the party of conspiracy theories, anti-science and most of all, just Trump. They richly deserve the beating they're heading for.
I hope and pray and deeply long for an unambiguous denounciation of Trump and his enablers next month. Please do what you can, make sure to vote and encourage others to do so.
Barry Rothstein
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