Image of the Week 07-22-2017
Skeleton in the Closet
I borrowed this coyote's skull from the fine folks at the El Dorado Nature Center, where Betsy used to work. I needed as part of a composite phantogram I'll be showing in the Art Gallery at the upcoming international 3-D convention in Irvine, California, from August 8 to 14. The best days to attend are that Thursday through Saturday. Lots of good workshops and exhibits. Free for those 18 and under.
I'm proud to report that from April 1 - June 30, 2017, I sold $1683.30 worth of my Phantom 3DŽ books. 90% = $1514.97 divided by 4 = $378.74, so I wrote checks this week for that amount to Planned Parenthood, Environmental Defense Fund, Southern Poverty Law Center, and American Civil Liberties Union. Total donated to date this year based on 90% of book sales is $2672.04. Thanks to those of you who've bought books.
If you're a Trump supporter or a republican, time to click
1) I'm distusted with republicans in congress who want to prevent access for "ordinary people" to healthcare just like every other civilized country has. Stop talking about the "disaster called Obamacare", as if by saying it it proves it's true, and work to improve it. Democrats, stop saying "single payer" and start talking about a "national healthcare program" designed to treat everyone, and if wealthy folks want better or more, let them buy insurance for that.
2) I'm even more disgusted with Trump and his administration in their ever more transparent dealings with the Russians, both in money laundering and politics. This is a dark era for America with an uncertain outcome. I recognize it would be political suicide for republican legislators to actually say "enough's enough", and call his tactics what they are (yes, treason), but someday these quasi-patriotic jerks need to actually stand up for American and its values and think less about their own jobs.
Barry Rothstein
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