Hello Friends,
Say hi to Butters, a neighbor and new playmate of our puppy Whiskey. Butters is a one year old golden retriever labrador mix, and as sweet as can be. She and Whiskey can run and play-fight endlessly. I took this shot at a park nearby with a Fuji W3 and turned it into a phantogram in Photoshop by using guidelines to approximate a rectangle on the ground (visually a trapezoid) in the right eye image and matched corner pixels in the left eye image.
We've had Whiskey for almost two months now. Getting a puppy, especially one with paws that foretell a sizable dog, is not for the faint of heart. When we first got her we had to keep her in the yard with no neighborhood walks until she finished getting all her puppy shots. Then after a couple of weeks of getting to know the world she was spayed this past week, so for the next week plus she's wearing a "cone of shame" so as to keep her from licking or chewing on her incision. It's been raining the past few days, so every time she goes out we need to check her for mud before letting her back in. I thought our recent bathroom remodel would be the real test of our marriage, but since getting Whiskey I'm re-thinking that.
One thing about a puppy is its boundless energy and happiness, which provides a break from all the awful news this past week. Our current administration and its unelected billionaire in chief are taking a wrecking ball to our government and its institutions, and draging down rest of the world in the process. I'm encouraged by seeing the massive protests emerging and the court decisions going against them. We're looking forward to joining some of the protests when Whiskey is once again ready to join in without the cone-head encumberance.
Until then, regards,
Barry Rothstein
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