Hiking Red Rock Canyon and a mini-rant
Hello Friends,
This past week I had the intense pleasure of hanging out with six college buddies I've known from the dorms of Revelle College at UC San Diego way back in 1972. All of them but me lived in Meteor Hall, and I've been truly fortunate to achieve honorary Meteor status. We rented a large house on the outskirts of Las Vegas for four nights, and hiked the Valley of Fire one day and Red Rock Canyon another day. On our last night we went to a showing of Postcards from Earth at the Sphere, a truly awe inspiring immersive venue.
These shots are from Red Rock Canyon on the Calico Hills Trail on the Grand Circle Loop. They are cha-cha shots taken with my Google Pixel 6 Pro cellphone. I shot the left eye image, slid over approximately 12 feet and shot the right eye image. I then used StereoPhoto Maker to auto-align and crop them, and did further enhancements in Photoshop.
I've avoided doing political commentary since the election in November, but will just toss in a few words here. While we can hope for some semblance of good governance from the new Trump presidency many to most of us look to the next four years as a horror show of incompetence, greed, and ultimate degradation and disgrace. His picks to lead the various government departments are astonishlingly awful. OK, that's all I have to say for now. Tomorrow I'll be attending an "End of Democracy" party, and we'll all see what follows on Monday and beyond.
Wishing us all happy times and survival,
Barry Rothstein
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